By the Leiuetennt Generall
A Proclamacon
Prohibiting Trade with the Indians without Ly-
cence and for prohibiting exportacon
of Corne out of the Prouince.
Whereas by Acte of the Generall Assembly held at St Johns
the 17th Day of Aprill last it was Enacted that noe person shall
trade with any Indians of this Province or goe through any
riuers of this Province to trade with any Indians to the North-
ward of this Province without lycence of his Lop or of his
Governor of this Province for the tyme being vpon payne of
forfeiture to his Iop of all Comodityes unlawfully traded for and
all vessells and trucke vnlawfully traded with : Theis are there-
fore to proclayme that I doe hereby revoke and Determine all
former Comons and Lycences to trade by any Governor of this
Province given and straightly to Charge and Comand all
officers and other persons whatsoeuer to seise the boates Ves-
sells Trucke or other Comodityes of any persons vnlawfully
tradeing contrary to that Acte, and them soe seised to bring to
st Marys there to be adjudged And further to giue notice that
if any person shall seise any boates Vessells or Trucke of any