Prouided that in case he the said William Hollinsworth shall
buy or trade for any Corne from any such Indian or Indians as
aforesaid or other Inhabitant of this Province he Doe not
exporte the same out of this Province, without Lycence first
had and obteyned from our Leiuetennt or other Cheife Gov-
ernor of this Province Prouided alsoe the said William Hollins-
worth pay to the Lord Proprietary or his heires the tenth in
weight or vallue of all Comodityes traded for with the Indians
either by himselfe or any other person intrusted by him and
lullfill all such condicons as are expressed in that Acte concern-
ing trade with the Indians, Giuen vnder the greate Seale of
our said Province of Maryland this ninth Day of December in
the thirtyth yeare of our dominion over the said Province of
Maryland Annoq domini 1661 Wittness our Deare sonne
Charles Caluert Esqr our Leuietennt of our said Province
Comon to Captaine Thomas Besson to comand all the forces
on the South side of Anne Arrundell riuer vp to the head
thereof and the North side of South riuer up to the head there-
of mutatis mutandis ut in folio: 23.
Comon to Leiuetennt Dauid Steward to be Leiuett vnder Capt
Comon to Cornelius Howard to be Ensigne vnder Capt
Besson. mutatis mutandis ut in folio 23
Comon to Captaine John Norwood to comand all the forcca
from the head of Anne Arrundell riuer on the Northside there-
of to the Southside of Patapsco riuer
Comon to Wm Hills to be Leiuetennt vnder Capt Norwood
Comon to Andrew Skinner to be Ensigne vnder Capt Nor-
wood, mutatis mutandis ut in folio 23.
Mr Sewall
J doe hereby Authorize & impower yow to signe att any time
lycences for marryages as likewise warrants for land when it
may bee inconuenient for prsons to Come to mee being absent
from my howse att st Marys, Giuen undrmy hand this 10th day
of Decembr 1661
Signed Charles Caluert
Philip Caluert