Humbly Sheweth
That Whereas at a Provinciall Cort held at St Marys the 28th
of February 1660 there then passed an order that yor petr
should haue a yeares tyme allowed him for the disposall of his
Estate and then to departe this Province, Since which tyme
yor petr hath had noe oppertunity to dispose of his said Estate
Wherefore it is the humble desire of yor petr that yor
Honors will be pleased to take it into yor Consideracons
and order that the former order of the 28th of February
1660 be made voyd and yor petr thereby made capable
of Continuing in this Province and ordering his small
Estate to his best advantage as the rest of his Lops Ten-
nants in this his Lops Province may doe
And he shall pray &c.
Vpon the peticon abouesaid The Leiuetennant Generall hath
remitted the Sentence of banishmt
To the Right honoble the Gouernor and
Councell of the Prouince of
The humble peticon of Samson Waring
Humbly sheweth
That whereas yor petr sometyme in February or March last
past did enter into Recognizance to the Right Honoble the Lord
Proprietary for his good behauiour and hath according to the
tenor of the said Recognizance well and truly behaued himselfe
Yor petr humbly implores that yor Honore not regarding
his former misdemeanour but his prsent Comportmt will
vouchsafe that the said bond be deliuered in to yor petr
And he shall pray &c