At a Councell held at St Marys 28th of November 1661
Present Charles Calvert Esqr Gouernor Philip Calvert
Esqr Deputy Leiuetennt and Chancellor Henry Sewall
Esqr Secretary Henry Coursey Robert Clarke Baker
Brooke and John Bateman Esqrs Cotmcellors.
Then was called for Captt John Odber to giue an Accompt
in wryting according to the order of the last Cort of his pro-
ceedings with the Sasquesahannoughs : But appeared not,
Then was Called John Everett to answere his Contempt in
running from his Collors when prest to goe to the Sasquehan-
nough Forte, pleades that he cannot beare Armes for Con-
science sake.
Ordered that the said Euerett be tryed at the next Provinciall
Cort and in the interim be Comitted into the Sherriffs hands
and that the Sherriffe impannell a Jury against that tyme and
in the meane tyme the said Euerett to be kept in Chaynes and
beate his owne Bread:
Ordered that Richard Wells and George Vtye be brought
by the Sherriffe to the next Provinciall Cort to answere in not