Liber H. H.
p. 126
Sewall of London Esqr Haue Constituted appoynted ordeined
And by theis prsents doe constitute appoynte and ordeine him
the said Henry Sewall to be one of our Councell of State and
Conservator and Justice of peace wthin our said Province of
Maryland untill wee or our heires shall signifye our or their
pleasure to the Contrary under our or their hand and Seale at
Armes And wee doe hereby giue and Grant vnto him the said
Henry Sewall full power and authority for that purpose from
tyme to tyme and at all tymes During his soe being of our said
Councell of State there to meete and assembly himselfe in
Councell vpon all occasions in our said Province with our
Leiuetenntof our said province for the tyme being and others
of our Councell there, And in all things to doe and Acte with
them as one of our Councell of our said Province in as ample
manner and forme as any other Councellor of ours there can
or Ought to doe as being of our said Councell of state there
And wee doe hereby further will and Grant that he the said
Henry Sewall shall haue and receiue all such powers priviledges
prheminences Jurisdiccons Immunityes and Advantages, what-
soeuer which are belonging and incident to one of our Councell
of State and Conservator and Justice of peace there in as full
and ample manner as any other of our Councell there may can
or ought to haue and Enjoye as a Councellor Conservator or
Justice of the peace in our said Province Hereby willing and
requireing our said Leiuetennt and the rest of our Councell of
the said Province of Maryland to admitt and receive him the
said Henry Sewall as one of-our Councell of State Conservator
and J ustice of peace in our said Province as aforesaid Prouided
allwayes that he take in open Cort in our said Province the
oathe of a Councellor of State appoynted by us to be taken
by those of our Councell there before he sitt or Acte as one
Councell of State and Conservator or Justice of peace in our
said province to be administred vnto him by our said Leiue-
tennt or any two of our Councell there whoe are hereby
respectiuely impowred and required to administer the same
accordingly And wee doe by theis prsents reuoake all former
Comons at any tyme heretofore granted by us to any other
person or persons for the place or office of our Principall Sec-
retary of our said Province and other the powers and offices
hereunder menconed. And Doe hereby constitute appoynte
and ordeine him the said Henry Sewall to be our Principall
Secretary of our said Province of Maryland and to haue all
such priuiledges and benefitts as belongeth to our principall
Secretary there: And wee doe by theis prsents appoynte con-