therefore that wee haue Constituted and doe hereby Constitute
authorize and appoynte him our said Deare sonne During the
tyme of his aboade there and our absence out of the said Pro-
vince our Leuietennt Generall, Gouernor Admirall and Cheife
Comander both by Sea and land of our said Province of Mary-
land with all the same powers and authorityes as our Deare
Brother Philip Caluert our prsent Leiuetennant Generall there
Doth or might use or exercise by vertue of our Comon Granted
to him for that purpose beareing date the foure and twentyth
day of June One thousand six hundred and sixty (except that
our said brother is still to Continue and remayne our Chan-
cellor and Keeper of our greate Seale there, And wee doe
further hereby authorize and appoynte our said Deare Brother
Philip Calvert to be Deputy Leiuetennt of the said Province
vnder our said Deare sonne and to be the first of our Councell
there and in the absence of our said sonne out of the said
Province to be our Leiuetennt there as formerly Prouided
allwayes that our said Deare sonne doe take in open Cort in
our said Province the oathe of our Leiuetennt to be administred
vnto him by the Deputy Leiuetennt Secretary or any two of
our Councell there whome wee doe hereby authorize and
require to administer the same accordingly before he sitt or
Acte as our Leiuetennt of the said Province Giuen vnder our
hand and Greater Seale at Armes this foureteenth Day of
September in the thirtyth yeare of our dominion over Mary-
land and in the yeare of our Lord 1661
[Commission to Henry Sewall.]