porte of the said will now proved and vpon Record, shewing
vnto the board that unles such partition be speedily made that
every one knowing his parte may improue itt, the children will
inevitably be undone by permitting the houseing and plantacon
now already cleared and built runne to ruine
Ordered. That a writt of particon issue to the Sherriffe of
Calvert County to see particon made by a Jury of twelue men
of the neighbourhood according to the tenor and purporte of
the will (vizt) that they lay out unto Cuthbert ffenwicke one
hundd acres next unto St Cuthberts Creeke and that afterwards
they diuide all the remayndr of st Cuthberts Mannor (excepting
that parcell lying Westward of the Deepe branch of St Cuth-
berts Neck by the said will Deuised unto Jane Fenwicke) into
fiue parts of equall vallue haueing regard to the Goodnes of
the land not the number of acres And that then they first give
unto Cuthbert Fenwicke his Share next adjoyning to his land
vpon St Cuthberts Creeke and afterwards that they permitt
the other brothers to chuse bylotts their Shares soe divided as
aforesaid the eldest of them chuseing first and soe the next in
seniority till every one haue his parte
At a Councell held at St Marys the 12th of octobr 1661
Present The Gouernor Secretary Mr Robert Clarke Mr Baker
Brooke Mr Edward LLoyd and Mr John Bateman
Was Sworne of the Councell Captaine James Neale And
after satt as a Counceller.
Came Capt John Odber to giue an accompt of his expedicon
to the Sasquehannough Forte being demanded why he came
downe without order from the Gouernor.
He replyed that the Sasquehannoughs came to him and tould
him that they could not compell their men to furnish the Souldiers
with Prouisions according to Articles, and therefore bid them
provide themselues to be gone to morrowe for there were
Canowes to Goe to carry downe the Amunicon by water. That