he had left all the Armes with mr LLoyd Except one Gun at
Jacobs; and the Armes that every Souldier carryed home with
him to be deliuered to the ownors from whome they receiued
This Answere being not fully sattisfactory and Jnformacon
from the Leiuetennt being wanting. Ordered that Capt John
Odber doe give an acco in wryting of his proceeding with the
Sasquesahannoughs by the 27th of November next and that
Jacob Clauson Francis Stocckett and Samuell Palmer Genl be
summoned to appeare at that tyme also to Giue informacon to
the Board alsoe
Then was called John Everett to answere for his Contempt
in Running from his Collors Pleades that he could not beare
Armes agt the Indians for Conscience sake. Ordered that the
said John Euerett be committed to the custody of Nicholas
Guyther till 27th of November next and that then he be tryed
by a Courte Marshall And that Capt John Collier come then
to testefye in the case being the man that pressed the said
Comon for Ensigne to Henry Mitchell mutatis mutandis ut
in folio 24.
Comon to Captaine William Boreman mutatis mutandis ut
in folio 23.
Ccecilius &c. Whereas Walter Senserfe being of Scottish
Descent haueing of long tyme vsed the trade of this our Pro-
vince and for some yeares last past hath been possessed of land
within this our Province hath besought us to Grante him leaue
to transporte himselfe and family into this our Province here
to inhabite, Knowe yee that wee being willing to give due En-
couragemt to all men of his Nacon Doe hereby Declare &c.
idem ut in folio 83.
[Immigrants from Virginia.]