murdered them and that the Minqua or Sinigo Indians were
aboute that tyme doeing mischeife and killing Cattle aboute
Patapsco Riuor and those Quarters as appeares by the Infor-
macon of Robert Gorsuch taken 13th May aforesaid. Resolued
that all further Demand of sattisfaccon for those cattle be
waued and that sufficient provision in the Articles be made for
the Security of our Stocks of Cattle and hoggs for the future,
and that the treaty be imediately begun least Generall Sty-
uesant at the Manhatans make an advantage by those Indians
against vs It being doubted whether there be a warre betweene
Holland and England or not
Articles of peace and amity concluded betwixt the
honorable Philip Calvert Esqr Governor Henry Coursey
Secretary and Mr Iohn Bateman Councellor on the
behalfe of the Lord Proprietary of this Province of
Maryland and Pinna King of Pickhattomitta on the
behalfe of the Passayonke Indians on the other parte
Imprimis that there shall be a perpetuall peace betwixt the
people of Maryland and the Passayoncke Indians