Liber H. H.
to the Regimt raysed, betweene the Coves of Patuxent river
and the head of the baye, both on the Easte and west side
thereof includeing the He of Kent alsoe, them to see mustered
Exercised and trained vp in the arte of warre and millitary
discipline And in all thinges to doe as any Major of a Regimt
of foote may or of right ought to doe to the resistance of all
Ennemies Suppression of all mutinyes insolencyes and Re-
bellions whatsoeuer, according to such orders & direccons as
yow shall from tyme to tyme receive from me And I doe
further authorize and appoynte yow to enlist for yor owne
Company such and soe many of the Inhabitants from the
North side of Patapsco river, to the west side of Sasquesahan-
nough River as yow shall thinke fitt, and them when and as
often as yow shall thinke convenient to muster and traine vp
Soe that they may be in a readynes as occasion shall require to
attend my further Comands, with fitting Armes and Amunicon
for the pourpose aforesaid To haue and to hould the said
office, and Comand till the lord Proprietaryes his heires or his
or their Leiuetenn4 cheife Governor or Captaine Generall for
the tyme being shall signifye his or their pleasure to the Con-
trary, And all persons whatsoeuer are hereby strictly Com-
manded and required to yeild all due obedience to yow the
p. 104
said Major Samuell Gouldsmith in all thinges appertayning to
the Command and office hereby conferred on yow as they will
answere the contrary at their perrills Given undr my hand and
lesser Seale of the Province of Maryland this one and twentyth
Day of May in the nine and twentyth yeare of his lops Dominion
over this Province Annoq domini 1661
Comon for Capt Howell mutatis mutandis ut in folio 23.
Articles of peace and amity concluded on the behalfe
of the Lord Proprietary of the Province of Maryland
and the Sasqsahannough Indians at a treaty begun at
Spes Utia the 16th Day of May 1661 Betweene the
honoble Philip Caluert Esqr Governor of the said Pro-
vince Henry Coursey Esqr Secretary Baker Brookes
Edward LLoyd and John Bateman Esqrs Councellors
to his said Lop of the one parte and Dahadaghesa of
the greate Torripine family Sarangararo of the wolfe
family Waskanecqua of the Ohongeoguena nacon Ka-
goregago of the unquehiett nacon Saraqundett of the
of the Kaiquariegahaga nacon Uwhanhierelera of the
Usququhaga nacon and Waddon hago of Sconondihago
nacon of the other parte.
Imprimis it is mutually agreed that wee shall according to
former agreemts mutually assist one the other against the