Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1660- 1661 . 421
Ennemies of either nacon vpon timely notice giuen to each
other respectiuely
2 That such Indian men Prisoners as shall happen to be
taken in the warre, shall be Deliuered to the English as well
such as haue killd any English as others
3 That the English shall send up to the Sasquesahannough
Forte fifty men to helpe to defend the forte
4 That the Sasquesahannoughs shall permitt the Captaine
of the English Souldiers to choose a place either within or
without the forte to fortifye himselfe in and that the Sasquesa-
hannoughs shall helpe them to fetch loggs or other tymber or
necessaryes for his fortificacon
5 That the Sasquesahannoughs shall finde the English
Souldiers with sufficient fish and flesh, and bread ready beaten
6 That there shall be six Indians appoynted by the Sasque-
sahannoughs to be ready to carry letters betweene the Capt of
the English at the forte, and Collonell Utyes howse, and from
thence to the forte againe, to which End two of them shall
alwayes be vpon Palmers Hand
7 That for prvencon of mischeife that too often happens by
misvnderstanding and not distinguishing Sasquesahannoughs
Liber H. H.
from other Indians, the Sasquesahannoughs shall not come
ordinarily to any other howse, but the howse of Captaine
Thomas Stockett or of Jacob Clauson from whence they shall
haue ticketts if they haue occasion to come further among the
English plantacons And that if by Ennemies they be driven
downe amongst the English they shall be bound to hollowe
before they come neere any English howse, and vpon the
appearance of any English they shall imediately lay downe
their Armes and suffer their Armes to be in the English posson
till their Departure
8 That the Sasquesahannoughs shall send all Runawayes
of the English Downe to Capt Thomas Stockett, imediately
after their arrivall at the Forte
9 That the English haueing now declared that they will
Demand sattisfaccon of the Passagonke Indians, for the death
of John Nordon, and his Companions slayne by the aforesaid
Indians and upon refusall to prosecute, a warre with them the
Sasquesahannoughs shall upon further notice giuen be ready
to assist in the said warre with necessary force
The marke of X Dahadaghesa
The mke of x Sarangararo
the mke X of Andra Sonque
The mke of X Waskanecqua
The mke of x Saraqundett
The mke of x Kagoragago
The mke of X Wadonhago.
p. 105