of some more powerfull persons that caused us to acte
contrary to our owne Intents and pourposes, and soe
prejudiciall to the health and welfare of this Province
The prmisses considered wee humbly desire yor honors
to looke upon us with a gracious aspect, and passe by
our faults though almost impardonable Exempting us
from fine or punishmt
And yor petrs will euer pray &c
Vpon Consideracon had of the ingenious Confession in the
abouesd peticon contayned, and the certaine knowledge of the
Governor and those of the Councell prsent at the prtended
Assembly in the peticon menconed concerning the carryage of
the pet" in the said prtended Assembly which was soe farr
from malice, that they did long withstand the illegall proceed-
ings thereof and at last out of timidity only consented Ordered
that the petrs be pardoned without fine or tryall
To the honoble the Gouernor and Councell
of the Prouince of Maryland.
The humble peticon of Nathaniell Vtye
That whereas yor petr was in the late Disturbance in the
Province of Maryland to the prejudice of the Lord Proprietarys
Right and that it hath pleased the Lord Proprietary since freely
to forgive the said offence.