418 Proceedings of the C1ouncil of Maryland, 1660-1661 .
Liber H. H.
4 Yow are carefully to informe yor selfe of the processe of
the Warre betweene them and the Cinagoe Indians, and if yow
finde them slack in itt, to presse them discreetly to a vigorous
prosecucon of itt.
5 Yow are carefully to avoyde all Quarrells with the Indians
and therefore permitt not the Souldiers, to sitt drinking or
Gameing wth them, but keepe them to exact millitary discipline
and to avoyde Idlenes often exercise them.
6. Make dilligent Enquiry touching the Murderers of the
Woman in Patapsco river, and of John Nordon and his com-
panions in their way from Delayware Baye &c. And if yow finde
they haue any of the said Murderers in the Forte See them
Shott to death or Send them downe to vs to be proceeded
against according to our Lawes
7 Lastly yow are to haue a very wary Eye upon all Dutch
that come to the Forte, observing their Actions, and treatyes
with the Indians, but shew not any animosity against them, if
yow finde any close Contrivances to our prejudice give us
speedy notice and oppose with discrecon any open actions that
may tend to our Losse.
p. 102
At a Councell held at Spesutia
the 1 8th Day of May 1661
Present The Governor
The Secretary
Mr Baker Brooke
Mr Edward LLoyd
Mr John Bateman
Was presented the peticon of Samuell Gouldsmith Geo.
Gouldsmith Godfrey Bayley and Francis Stocckett as followeth
To the honoble the Gouernor and Councell of Maryld:
The humble peticon of Sam: Gouldsmith &c
That whereas yor peticonrs being sent Burgesses for the
County of Baltemore to an Assembly held at St Clements
Mannor in the County of St Marys March the first 1659. by
vertue of a writt in the lord Proprietarys name And whereas
yor peticonr being ignorant of the plotts and malicious contri-
vances of some of the cheife Members thereof were over per-
swaded to medle with those thinges which doe noe way con-
cerne them, and were ensnared by their Suggestions and false,
(as it appeares) informacons to complye with them in the Relin-
quishing of his lops iust rights and priviledges
Wee yor humble petrs Doe humbly confess the hayn-
ousnes of our Crymes and with all doe humbly desire
yor honors to Consider that it was not through any
malice or Envy of our owne, but the wicked Designs