Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1660- 1661 . 417
Cecilius absolute lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of
Maryland and Avalon Lord Barron of Baltemore &c To our
trusty and welbeloved Capt. John Odber Greeting Knowe yee
that wee Relying vpon yor fidellity circumspeccon, courage and
good Conduct doe hereby constitute ordaine and appoynte
yow Captaine of fifty Souldiers raysed within this our Province
of Maryland, them to haue vse and Comand, with all the Pro-
visions Uictuall and Amunicon sett forth with them in this
March to the Sasquesahannough Forte, to the resistance of all
Ennemies declared and to be declared and Defence of the said
Forte against all attempts from any enemy to the said Sasque-
sahannoughs or of this Province according to such Instruccons
as yow shall receive from us or our Leiuetennt Generall from
tyme to tyme, them to vanquish and putt to death and all or
any other thinges Acts or powers to vse doe and exercise con-
cerning the said Expedicon till the retourne of the Souldiers
into this Province againe, as to the Captaine of an Army or
Governor of a Forte by the lawe or vse of warre doth or may
belong, Given vnder our lesser Seale of our said Province of
Maryland this Eighteenth day of May 1661 Wittness our Deare
brother Philip Calvert Esqr our Leiuetennant of our said
Province of Maryland.
Instruccons Given by the Governor and Councell of the
Province of Maryland to Captaine John Odber for the
managemt of the assistance given to the Sasquesahan-
nough Jndians according to Articles of a treaty begun
with the said Indians i6lh of May 1661
Liber H. H.
Yow are to choose some fitt place, either within or
without the Forte which yow are to fortefye for yor
owne Security and to demand the assistance of the Sasquesa-
hannoughs to fetch tymber and other necessaryes for the forti-
ficacon according to Articles now concluded betweene vs, and
further to cause some Spurrs or flankers to be layd out for the
Defence of the Indian Forte whome yow are upon all occasions
to assist against the Assaults of their Ennemies,
2 Vpon yor arrivall at the Forte imediately presse them to P. 101
appoynte some one or more of their greate men, to whome
yow shall make yor applicacons in all occasions, that is either of
demanding assistance to helpe fortifye, or of provisions or upon
any orders received from vs &c.
3 Procure that the certaine psons be appoynted whoe are to
be Messengers Betweene yow and us according to Articles
And be sure to aduize us of every accident of Importance, that
shall befall yow or the Sasquesahannoughs, and of the proceed-
ings of our affaires