Liber H. H.
p. 99
elce, to the other they gaue noething, The same two Indians
came to the Towne, imagining noe thing, but the Murtherers
which killd the man did very secretly and speedily pas this
place up to the River; Two or three Inhabitants of New Amstell
did in the meane while lay hould on those two Indians; And I
caused them to be brought to the Forte, but after many Ex-
aminacons found them not Guilty but that it was done by
another nacon wherefore wee haue released them, because the
Ignorant cannot suffer for the Guilty otherwise it would be a
case grounded of noe reason, besides there is some tyme past
betweene, And would haue occasioned betweene vs and the
Indians a Difference which might engage Vs with them, to an
open warre, were by the Cultiture of the Country, and the ad-
vancemt of the Collony would be much hindred in which ap-
parently yor honor would take noe Comtort nor Content with
the two Indians which haue not beene actually in the facte,
And therefore lett yor honor be assured that the releaseing of
the two Indians hath not been done out of any ill Jntent nor to
the prjudice of soe Good Christians our Neighbours in favor
of the Heathens which haue Comitted from tyme to tyme diners
murthers and Robberies upon our owne nacon also, Wishing
that wee could lay hould of this Good oppertunity in revenging
our selues upon the Murtherers alsoe, to Conclude yor honor
may be confident that the Shedding of Christian blood is most
detestable vnto us assuring yor selfe that wee shall Contribute
in all thinges to the prservacon of freindship with neighbours
of our beleife for as much as might be done without prjudice
to our owne nacon, Soe I Comitt yor Honor to Gods keepeing
whoe will give his blessings to yor Gouernmt Soe J rest
Yor Serviceable freind
Praise God aboue all things 1661 Alex: Dhinoijossa:
Mr Wright
Be pleased to doe soe much as to lett me knowe, how it is
with yow &c: the rest for trade.
The Indians threaten to kill me and that is the reason I can-
not come I must watch in my howse with seaven or Eight Guns
Loaden and I haue noe comforte from the Inhabitants here
Indians and Dutch both saying that I am an English man, I wish
I could haue tyme to speake 1/2 an houre with yow Mr Hollins-
p. 100
worth is very sorry he heares noe answere of his letter Give
every body notice and looke to yor selues night and Day the
Indians are very Strong and not farre from yow I would haue
writt more, but I Dare not dare, warne James at Turkey Poynte
to remove
15th May 1661 Yor Loveing Servant
Garratt Rutten
when yow haue read this Ire burne it in the fyre,