At a Councill held at Saint Maryes 30 January
1660. Present as yesterday.
Josias ffendall Came and tendred Mr Henry Meese mar-
chant Security for his quiett behauiour, and to appeare to
answere at the Prouinciall Court
That in regard he rendred himselfe Prisoner and of his
present Sickness the said Security be taken.
Wch was taken accordingly, as by the Recognizance to that
purpose more at large appeareth
Warrant issued to Daniell Clocker to keepe in safe Custody
John Hatch untill he giue in Security to appeare before the
Gouernor the next or any other Proull Court to answere such
matters as shalbe obiected against him on the behalfe of the
Lord Proprietary, when he shalbe calld thereunto.
And afterwards Jt was thought fitt by the Gouernor to sett
him at liberty. Hee giueing in Security and entring into Re-
cognizance for his apparance at the next or any other Prouin-
ciall Court when notice shalbe giuen him to answere such
matters as shalbe obiected agt him on behalfe of his lop.
And accordingly on the 8th of December 1660. Collonell
Iohn Price William Wilkinson and the said John Hatch entred
into Recognizance of 2000l each of them for the appearance
of the said Hatch as by the said Recognizance at large