Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1660-1661. 401
whom J doe hereby straitly Comand securely to keepe him in
prison, and presently informe some one of his Lops Councill of
his apprehention that so he may be safely conveyed to me to
St Maryes
And J doe hereby further declare and publish that if any
person or psons after this Proclamation published conceale
harbour or maintaine him the said Wm ffuller, or shall Contriue
or Connive at any meanes whereby he may escape from being
taken or arrested or shall not use their best endevour for his
apprehencon as well by giuing advertisment as by all other
good meanes J shall (as there is iust cause, proceede agt them
with all Seuerity Giuen
Liber H. H.
Capn Tho: Maninge
Comn issued for Captaine Thomas Manninge
to be Capn of all the forces betweene the Coues
p. 85
of Patuxent Riuer and the Herring Creeke according to the
forme of a Comn for a Captaine of foote giuen to Capn Euans
fo 23 appeares Giuen vnder my hand & his lops lesser Seale of
this Province the 31th day of January &c 1660.
Lt ffrancis
Comn likewise was drawne to Lt ffrancis Arm-
strong to be Lieutennant to Capn Tho: Manninge
according to the president fo: 24 Giuen vt Supra.
Lt Randle
The like Comn for a Lieutenant was granted
to Lt Randle Hanson to be Lieutent vnder Lieu-
tenant Collonell John Jarbo of the foote Company from Brittons
bay to St Georges Riuer exclusiuely. dated ut Supra.
Whereas there hath beine some differences betweene Symon
Overzee late of Saint Maryes deceased, and Augustine Herman
marchant for the ending of which differences by way of arbi-
tration seuerall bonds haue bene giuen by Elizabeth the Relict
of the said Symon, Henry Meese marchant and John Price
gent as J am informed, and whereas the said Bonds are
alleadged to be forfeited for non performance of the award,
and Suite Commenced by the said Augustine against the said
Elizabeth Henry Meese and John Price, and now depending in
the Proull Court. And whereas the said Augustine Herman
hath made Complaint to me that one or all of the said bonds
are detained from him by Robert Slye gentlman Vmpire in the
said Arbitration mutually chossen desiring to haue warrant to
haue the said bond or bonds deliuered vnto him thereby to
make his demand good in Court to the end that Justice may
in the said cause be don impartially J doe hereby in the name
of the Lord Proprietary will and require yow to make your
repaire vnto the howse of the said Robert Slye and there to