hereby Declare him the said Augustine Herman to be a free
Denizen of this our Province of Maryland, And Doe further
for vs our heires and Successors straightly Enioyne Constitute
Ordaine and Comand that the said Augustine Herman be in
all things held treated reputed and esteemed as One of the
faithfull People of vs our heires and Successors borne within
this our Province of Maryland, And likewise any lands Tene-
ments Revenues Services and other hereditaments whatsoeuer
within our Said Province of Maryland may inheritt or other-
wise purchase receiue take haue hould buy and possess, and
them may occupy and enioy giue Sell alien and bequeath, as
likewise all Liberties, ffranchises and Priviledges of this our
Province of Maryland freely quietly and peaceably haue and
possess occupy and enioy as our faithfull People borne or to be
borne within our said Province of Maryland without the lett
molestation Vexation trouble or Grieuance of vs our heires
and Successors any Custome to the Contrary hereof in any
wise notwithstanding. Given at Saint Maryes Vnder the Great
Seale of our said Province of Maryland the ffowerteenth day of
January in the Nyne and twentieth yeare of our Dominion
over the said Province of Maryland Annoque Domini One
thousand Six hundred and Sixty. Wittnes our Deare brother
Philip Calvert Esquier our Lieutenant of our said Province of
P. C:
Philip Calvert &c. To Luke Gardner Greeting as in the
Comn to Lt John Jarbo fo: 24 mutatis mutandis, (Onely this
vizt) Appoint yow Lieutenant vnder Coll Wm Euans of the
foote Company by him to be raised betweene Wiccocomako
Riuer and Brettons Bay excluding the East Side of the said
Bay, them to &c. Giuen vnder my hand and the lesser Seale
of this Province this 28th of January in the 29th yeare of his
Lops Dominion over this Province Annoque Dm 1660.
[Proceedings in Fendall's Case.]