Liber H. H.
the distractions of this Province haue hitherto denyed me that
satisfaction, So haue they now left me doubly oblieged to a
sinceare and hearty demonstration of Joy and thankfulnes in as
much as they haue ended without bloud, and wth little shewe
of force imediatly on sight of the enclosed from his Sacred Maty
directed to yourselfe and Councill of Virginea. Of whose
readines to Comply with his Maties pleasure both the Mutiners
and my Selfe did so little doubt that they chose rather to sub-
mitt to mercy then to obliedge me by a resistance to Craue
ayde from yow, and J deferred till now my request of assistance
when neede shall require.
That tyme J hope is farr of, And therefore J shall preferr a
Petition of another nature, and request that yow will please to
lett me knowe what it is J can doe in these parts that may
meritt the Style of Service to yow, either in your publick or
privatt Capacity, that by putting your Commands in Execution
J may satisfie myselfe that J haue complyed with my greatest
Obligation as Governor of this Province the endevouring the
welfare and plenty of it, Jt hath allwaies bene one of the strictest
Jniunctions from my brother to his Gouernors here to maintaine
a good Correspondence with yow, and am sorry to find that all
their Neglects are left to be made good by me, but since it is
soe J am the better satisfied that J haue to doe with the person
of greatest meritt and honnor that euer governed in Virginea
who J hope will belieue that I am as J subscribe myselfe his
from St Maryes 14 Dec. faithfull & humble Seruant
1660 Philip Calvert
A license was granted by the Gouernor to fiue Jndians
(vizt) Winand, Naquotick Vnachanataw, Meughcam, &
Quandawwaghweigh to hunte Rakone, Wolues and other wild
beasts :
[Denization of Herman.]
Csecilius absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces
of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c. To
all Persons to whom these presents shall Come Greeting
in our Lord God Euerlasting. Whereas Augustine Her-
man late of Manhatans Marchant haueing of long tyme used
the trade of this our Province hath besought vs to grant vnto
him leaue to transporte himselfe and family into this our Pro-
vince here to inhabit, And for our satisfaction and the benne-
fitt of trade hath drawne a Mapp of all the Riuers Creekes
and Harbours therevnto belonging Know yee that Wee
willing to giue due encouradgment to men of his profession,
and to reward all such as haue well deserued from vs Doe