Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1660-1661 . 397
upon the publication of the said Proclamation, and not Act any
thing afterwards against it, or my Right there.
After which they tooke into debate what was fitt to be don
with the said ffendall, considering his former Crymes, and som
bad expressions of the said ffendall in a letter to the Gouernor
dated 20th of Nouember implyedly menacing force, if hee might
not haue such tearmes as he in his letter to the Gouernor pro-
posed as also of some other words lett fall by the said ffendall
since his coming downe to Sainst Maryes to Nicholas Young
and John Abington gentlmen Sauouring of force intended by
him, and after matters fully argued it was putt to the Vote
Whither shall the said ffendall be Committed Prisoner to the
Sherriffe or not
And it was Voted by the Board in the affirmatiue.
Whereupon it is Ordered that the said ffendall be committed
Liber H. H.
to the Custody of Nicholas Guyther Sherriffe of Saint Maryes
County, there to be detained Close prisoner till further order
from the Gouernor and Councill
Caecilius absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of
Maryland and Avalon, Lord Baron of Baltemore &c. To the
Sherriffe of Saint Maryes County Greeting Whereas Josias
ffendall hath contrary to his Oath and Trust raised Sedition
within this Province, And notwithstanding his Maties Letter
comanding the restitution of vs to our iust Rights according
to our Pattent, hath by word and letter vnder his hand im-
plyedly menaced force agt our Government within this Province,
And being otherwise a dangerous person not fitt to be at
liberty in these distracted tymes, Wee will and Comand yow
therefore to receiue into your Custody the said Josias ffendall
there to remaine vntill further Order from our Gouernor and
Councill. Wittnes our Deare brother Philip Calvert Esquier
our Lieutenant of our Said Province of Maryland the 29th day
of Nouember 1660
Philip Calvert.
[Letter of Governor Calvert to Governor Berkeley.]
p. 81
Jt is not long since J receiued the enclosed with Comand
from my brother Baltemore to see them speedily Conveyed
vnto yow, Which if J haue not done with the expedition
required J assure yow J haue less satisfied my owne desires
then his Comands which haue allwaies bene to haue appeared
early in the Congratulations of his Maties reinthronement, and
your owne restauration to the Gouernment of Virginea, But as
p. 82