and kingdoms is and was every way compleated by the death
of his most Royall father of Glorious memory without the
Ceremony or Sollemnity of a Proclamation. Yet Since Procla-
mations in such Cases haue bene allwaies vsed To the End
that all good Subjects might upon this Occasion testify their
Duty and respects, And since the armed violence and other
the Calamities of these many yeares last past haue hitherto
depriued vs of any such Opportunity wherein wee might
express our loyalty and allegiance to his Maty Wee therefore
the Gouernor, and Councill of this Province of Maryland, and
other his Maties loyall Subiects here present By the speciall order
and authority of the Right honnoble the Lord Proprietary of this
Province, Doe according to our duty and allegiance, heartily
ioyfully and vnanimously acknowledge and proclaime, that
imediatly upon the decease of our late Soueraigne Lord King
Charles the Jmperiall Crowne of the Realme of England and
of all the kingdoms Dominions and Rights belonging to the
same Did by inherent birthright, and lawfull and vndoubted
Succession descend and come to his Most Excellent Maty
Charles the Second as being lineally, iustly and lawfully
next heire of the bloud Royall of this Realme, And that by the
goodnes and providence of All mighty God Hee is of England
Scottland ffrance and Jreland the Most Potent Mighty and
Vndoubted King Defender of the faith &c, And therevntc
Wee most humbly and faithfully doe submitt, and obliege out
Seines our heires and Posterities for Euer Dated the Nynteenth
day of Nouember 1660.
God Saue the King
and the Lord Proprietary
Philip Calvert.
These are in the Lord Proprietaryes name to will and
require yow to warne the Jnhabitants of the Jsle of Kent
County to appeare at the Court howse on the said Island,
where yow are to publish the Proclamation of King Charles
the Second, as also to publish the other Proclamation which
requires the Peoples Obedience to the Lord Proprietaryes
Gouernment vnder me his Lieutenant. And for soe doing this
shalbe your warrant Giuen at Saint Maryes this 23th of No;
Philip Calvert
To the Sherriffe of Kent
p. 77