Entries made since the honnoble Philip Calvert
Esquier came to be Gouernor of this Prouince.
Caecilius absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of
Maryland and Avalon, Lord Baron of Baltemore &c To our
Right Trusty and welbeloued Collonell William Euans
Knowe yee That Wee reposing Especiall Trust and confi-
dence in the good Conduct vallor Dilligence and integrity of
yow Collonell William Euans, Doe hereby nominal Constitute
and appoint yow the said Coll William Euans Collonell of the
traynd bands in Saint Maryes County in the said Province of
Maryland. Giueing and hereby Granting vnto yow the Said
Coll William Euans full power and authority to take and
receiue the said Charge and imployment upon yow and the
same to haue hould vse exercise and enioy in as large ample
and benneficiall manner as the said Collonell John Price or any
other Collonell of the said Regiment heretofore vsually exer-
cised and enioyed the same Together with all proffitts Rights
and bennefitts thereunto belonging, And yow are to obserue
and obey such further Orders and Jnstructions as yow shall
receiue from vs, or our heires or our Lieutenant or other our
Officers there Commanding in Chiefe in our absence from
tyme to tyme. Giuen vnder our Privy Signett the 31th day of
October in the Nyne and twentith yeare of our Dominion over
the said Province of Maryland Annoque Domini 1660 Wittnes
our Trusty and welbeloued Brother Philip Calvert Esquier our
Lieutent of our said Province of Maryland
The like then was made and deliuered to Lieutenant Collonell
John Jarbo to be Lieutenant Collonell of the said Regiment.
By the Gouernor of Maryland
Whereas Josias ffendall hath contrary to his Trust raised
Sedition within this Province endevouring asmuch as in him
lay the Disherison of his Lop the Lord Proprietary thereof.
His Lop well knowing Noe people can long Hue in Peace with-
out Governmt and studdying the peace of the Jnhabitants of