Philip Calvert Esquier Gouernor of this
Prouince of Maryland
To Baker Brook, John Bateman and Henry Cousey gent.
Whereas by Commission from the Right honnoble the Lord
Proprietary of this Province of Maryland to me directed for
the Government of the same thereby giuing me power to
appoint Councellors Maiestrats and other Officers for the
Conservation of the Peace and Gouernment of the said Pro-
vince Jn pursuance whereof J doe appoint yow the said Baker
Brookes, John Bateman and Henry Coursey to be of his lops
Councill of State for this Province And doe hereby Giue full
power to yow, and euery of yow to issue writts and award
process in all matters relateing to the good Gouernmt of this
Province And J doe also Giue to yow and euery of you
full power to Act and Doe all manner of thing and things
which vnto the Office of a Justice of Peace doth belong Giuen
at Saint Maryes this 23th of Nouember 1660
Philip Calvert.
yow are to sumon all persons able to beare armes betweene
Hugh Hopewells and Barnaby Jacksons to come with yow to
my howse tomorrow being the 28th Nouember with their
Armes. Giuen vnder my hand and Seale this 27th of Nouember
Phil: Cavert.
To Richard Collett
Captaine Thomas Brookes haueing a good prooffe of your
fidellity and readines to doe my brothers service in preseruing
the Countrey in peace. J doe hereby order yow to raise the
greatest number of men yow can, and wth them to march away
to the Mill imediatly where yow shall receiue further order
from me
The like to Captaine Odbvr
The like to Lieutenant John Bogue.