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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1667
Volume 3, Page 360   View pdf image (33K)
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360 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1657—1660.

Liber H. H.

Vpon information that the Emperor of Pascattoway was dead
or ready to dye the Gouernor desired the opinion of the
Councell whether it were fitt that Wee endeauour the making
of a new Emperor yea or no in case he dye. & vpon con-
sideration & debate had thereof
Resolued Vnanimously by the Gouernor & Counsell that
wee should Endeauor the making of a new Emperour in case
he dye.
Was preferred the Petition of Richard Moore William
Hollinsworth & Richard Hollinsworth touching the Customs
of ten shillins per hogshead layd vpon all Tob: exported to the
Manhatans or other Dutch Plantacon

[Seizure of a Dutch ship.]



At a Councell held at St Marys Primo Junij 1659

The Gouernor
Present The Secretary
Cap: Wm Stone

Mr Job Chandler
Cap: John Price

The Gouernor informed the Councell that there was a ship
com into st Georges Riuer wch pretended she came from Yar-
mouth in England, & that shee had com. immediatly from
France: that demanding of the Master his Cocquetts he was
able to shewe none whereupon he had seised them: that the
men on board her were in different storys from whence he did
suspect the were Piratts.

Wherevpon the Prisoners viz Richard Galey Nicholas Salmon
& Richard Stockdale were sent for and examined & the
Examinations of Thomas Barrett James Montioy & Mathewe
Benham read, & it appearing by the Confessions of the said
Galey Salmon & Montioy that they without any Commission

Vide the Examina-
cons vpon the Record
of the Provinciall
court Fol: 269.

had seised the said Vessell vpon pretence she
belonged to Amsterdam : & they the sd
Prisoners not hauing brought the Master nor
any one Dutchman of her company nor the

Cocquetts whereby it could be made clearely appeare to what
place she belonged, but only so farre forth as the oath of
Richard Stockdale (who is an Englishman) is valid who pre-
tends he was one of the Company shipped on board her at
Amsterdam & taken in her at the Barbadas.

Vpon Consideracon whereof & of the order prescribed in
the seuerall Acts of Part for the proueing of shipps to be law-
full prize wch by the said Prisoners hath not bin obserued the
Court doth Judge


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1667
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