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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1667
Volume 3, Page 359   View pdf image (33K)
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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1657-1660. 359

when he was conceaued a freind to his Lordships interest &
before his actuall Rebellion wch was not before the yeare 1655,
& also at a time when the said Marsh had taken an oath of
Fidelitye to his Lordship though not that Oath by his Lord-
ships Condicons of plantacon then required in contemplation
of wch he did really beleeue the said marsh might then at the
time of the passeing his bill of sale to the said Manning haue
had a pattent for the said Land if had sued for itt.
Wherevpon the board Considered that Notwithstanding the
Oath by the said Marsh alleadged to be taken might perhaps
haue induced the then officers to haue Granted a pattent to
the said Marsh Yett that that Oath in truth not being the Oath
wch could intitle any man to land by vertue of his Lordships
condicons of Plantacon & being vtterly reiected by his Lord-
ship vpon notice Given him of itt & the true oath expressly
enioyned to be taken by all before any patients of land should
passe to them respectively; the Heires Executors or Adminis-
trators of Marsh seemed to be obliged to make themselues
capeable of the Condicons of Plantacon by takeing the engage-
ment according to Articles & Act of Assembly before the said
Manning can haue any Grant of the said land & that the
Rather because the said Marsh after Oath so taken (wch might
haue induced the Officers to haue passed a Grant in his Lord-
ships name to him the said Marsh) had neglected to take out
his Grant within a yeare as by his Lordships Condicons of
plantacon is required. Yett this being a leading Case to many
others of the like nature, & the Heire to Marsh being nowe &

Liber H. H.

euer since the Articles were made by wch the Engagement is
imposed) absent out of the Province & the case depending
also vpon his Lordships pleasure


That the further debate of this businesse be putt of till the
first letters be receaued from his Lordship and that then
Thomas Manning Gent: be heard and that in the meane time
no thing be admitted to the preiudice of the title of the said

At a Councell held at St Marys 23o Februarij 1658.

p. 36


The Governor
The Secretary
Cap: Wm Stone
Mr Job Chandler

Mr Luke Barber
Mr Robert Clarke
Mr Baker Brooke

The Case of Thomas Manning Gent: was moued, & the
said Manning nor any for him appearing it is referred to the
next councell.


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1667
Volume 3, Page 359   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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