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a Court held the first of June the said ship and goods for want
of proofe could not be adiudged Prize but was adiudged to be
seised into the hands of the lord Proprietary there to Remaine
for a yeare & a day, after wch time she was to be adiudged
Prize if no lawfull Right of other persons could be thereto
made appeare as by the said Order more at large appeareth
That since the said Order search being made in the said ship
certaine Dutch Cocquetts haue on board the said ship bin
found. That by the said Cocquetts & sea breife it doth
appeare the ship belonged to Graft and the inhabitants of the
Vnited Provinces : that shee was taken in Carlile Bay in the
Barbadas that shee had traded in the said Jland, landing there
fewer horses and diuerse other goods & Receauing on board
sixe hogsheads of sugar and seauenteen baggs of Cotton of
the Grouth of that Country, as appeared by the Oath of Richard
Stockdale That she was Loaden at Amsterdam with French
Brandy wine & french Canuas as appeareth by the oath of
Richard Stockdale also & som silkes all wch were goods not of
the Grouth of Holland, And therefore Craueth Judgment of the
The opinion & Judgment of the Councell is
That the ship St George & goods be inuentorized & ap-
praysed & that his Lordships Treasorer haue power to sell and
dispose of seauen tenths for which he is to be accomptable to
the Lord Proprietary in case the said ship & goods be found