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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1667
Volume 3, Page 358   View pdf image (33K)
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358 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1657-1660.

Liber H. H.

Wherevpon the declaracon was Read & Mr lob Chandler &

mr John Hatch appointed to Croese examine Wittncacs in the

matters informed against MrGerrard by the Attorney Generall
The Attorney Generall mooued to haue the persons nominated
for County Comrs called to Account for refusall to take theyr
Oath or Officiate as Commissioners and Justices viz for Calvert
County Mr Michaell Brookes and Mr Philip Morgan For the
County of Ann Arundell Mr William Barges & Mr Thomas
Mr Philip Morgan pleaded he had till then bin Lame &
vnable to officiate or come to Court to be sworne & his plea
was admitted he promiseing according to the order of the
Board to official for the future


That the fine to be imposed Vpon Mr Michaell Brookes
Mr William Burges & Mr Thomas Meares be referred to the
Consideracon of the Provinciall Court.
Mr Job Chandler being called away by speciall occasions it is


That Coll: Nathaniell Vtie Crosse Examine the Wittnesses
in Mr Gerrards businesse.


At a Councell held at
Matapanjent 3o Decembris


The Governor
The Secretary
Coll John Price.

It was moved on the behalfe of Thomas Manning Gent then
absent that the said Manning had bought a parcell of land
lyeing vpon the Cliffes of Thomas Marsh late of the County of
Ann Arundell Merchant as by Bill of sale vnder the hand of
the said Marsh beareing date 17o Octobris relation therevnto
being had doth appeare.

That the said land was Neuer yett Patterned, & that the
Secretary Refused to drawe any pattent for the said land
because the said Marsh dyed in Actuall Rebellion against his
Lordship & that no heire executor or administrator of the said
Marsh had as yett or for ought could be perceiued euer would
make themselues capeable of the late Articles of Agreement
by wch only he the said Secretary conceiued the said Marsh or
any claimeing vnder him could haue any Just pretence or title
to any Grant or Pattent for land.

And the Secretary informed the board in Favor of the
purchaser that the said Marsh had sould the said land at a time


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1667
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