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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1667
Volume 3, Page 357   View pdf image (33K)
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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1657-1660. 357

& Considered I his Lordships Attorney humbly pray that the
sd Gerrard may be brought to Condigne & Exemplary Punnish-
ment according to the Lawes of this Province & the seuerall
powers to this Honoble board Committed by his Lordship for
the Maintenance of Gods Honor his Lordships Just Rights &
the Peoples peace & welfare.
Wherevpon were Read the depositions of Luke Gardner &
Walter Pakes formerly taken by Comission from the Governor
& owned by the said Gardner & Pakes before the Councell.
Captaine Nicholas Guyther then sworne saith he was on
board Covills ship with Mr Gerrard that he came from on board
with him to Mr Packers landing that he can not sweare that he

was Drinke but that he had bin drinking & further saith not

Mr Henry Coursey then sworne Also saith that he was on
board of Covills ship with Mr Gerrard that the said Gerrard
had drunke somthing extraordinary but was not so much in
drinke but he could gett out of a Carts way & further saith not
The sd Gerrard desired day to putt in his answer, & day was
Granted till the next Provinciall Court.
And Ordered that the sd Gerrard should haue Coppys of the
Informacon & deposicons brought in against him.

Liber H. H.

At a Councell held at St Leonards the sixt of October

p. 34

Present -

The Governor.
The Secretary.
Cap: Wm Stone.
Mr Job Chandler.
Coll: John Price.

Came Thomas Gerrard Esqr & putt a long declaracon of his
former meritts & sufferings & in the end of itt this fplloweing
petition viz

To the Honble the Governor & Councell
The humble Petition of Thomas Gerrard


Beseecheth your Honors to take the premises into theyr
consideracon & in the space of an houre after your Petitioner
shall answer the Charge against him and that the present
Company may not depart because many of them will be be-
hoofefull as testimonys wch he desireth may be examined by
som person least concerned in the matter, & as the Honble
Governor shall thinke fitt.

And euer Pray &c.


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1667
Volume 3, Page 357   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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