346 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1657-1660.
Liber H. H.
Commission Cap:
William Evans
Iosias Fendall Esqr Captaine Generall of all
the forces within this Province of Maryland
P. 24
vnder the Right Honorable Caecilius absolute lord & proprie-
tary of the same To Captaine William Evans Greeteing
According to the power to me by his said Lordship Committed
and vpon the speciall trust and confidence I haue in your fidel-
ity circumspection courage and good conduct I doe heereby
constitute ordaine & appoint you Captaine vnder me of all the
forces, betweene Wicocomaco River and Poplar Hill exclu-
siuely, them to muster Exercise and traine vp in the art of
Warre & discipline military & in all things to do as any
Captaine of a Company of foote may or of right ought to do
to the resistance of all ennimys suppression of all mutinys inso-
lencys insurrections & rebellions whatsoeuer according to such
orders and directions as you shall from time to time receaue
from me and to that end to list such & so many of the inhab-
itants within the precincts aforesaid as you shall thinke fitt, and
them when and as often as you shall thinke convenient to
muster and traine so that they may be in a readynesse as occa-
sion shall require to attend my further Comands with fitting
armes and Ammunicon for the purpose aforesaid. To haue
and to hould the said office & Command till the Lord Proprie-
tary or his heires or his or theyr Lieutenat cheife Governor or
Captaine Generall for the time beeing shall signify his or theyr
pleasure to the Contrary And all persons Whatsoeuer are
heereby Strictly Charged and required to yeald all due obedi-
ence to you the said Captaine Evans in all things appertaine-
ing to the Command & office heereby conferred on you as
they will answer the contrary at theyr perill Given vnder my
hand & Seale this 15th day of June in the 26th yeare of his lops
dominion ouer this Province Annoq Domini 1658.
losias Fendall.
The same mutatis Mutandis For Captaine Thomas
Brooke Likewise for Captaine Henry Hooper.
Commission Lieut:
John Jarbo.
losias Fendall Esq Captaine Generall of all
the forces within this Province of Maryland
vnder the Right Hon:ble Caecilius Absolute Lord & Proprietary
of the same to Lieutenant Iohn Iarbo Greeteing According
to the power to me by his said Lordship Committed & vpon
the speciall trust & confidence I haue in your fidelity circum-
spection courage & good conduct I doe heereby constitute
ordaine & appoint you Lieutenant vnder Captaine William
Evans of the foote company by him to be raised betweene
Wicocomaco River & Poplar hill exclusively, them to Muster
Exercise & traine vp in the Art of Warre & discipline military