Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1657-1660. 347
& in all things to do as any Lieutenant of a Company of foote
may or of right ought to doe to the resistance of all Ennimys
suppression of all mutinys insolencys & rebellions whatsoeuer
according to such Orders and directions as you shall from time
to time receaue from me or your said Captaine To Have & To
Hould the said office & Command till the Lord Proprietary or
his Heires or his or theyr Lieutenant & cheife Governor or
Captaine Generall for the time beeing shall signifye his or
theyr pleasure to the contrary And all persons whatsoeuer are
heereby required & strictly commanded to yeald all due obedi-
ence to you the said Lieutenant Iarbo in all things appertain-
ing to the Command and office heereby conferred on you as
they will answer the contrary at theyr Perills.
Given vnder my hand & Seale this 15th day of June in the
26 yeare of his Lordships Dominion over this Province Anoqe
Josias Fendall
Liber H. H.
Bogus The same Mutatis Mutandis for Lieutenant John
Keene. Bogue Likewise for Lieutenant Henry Keene
p. 25
At a Counsell held at Patuxent
eighth of July
The Governor
The Secretary
Mr Baker Brookes
Vpon an alarme receaued from the Indians the Governor
and councell toke into theyr consideracon the present vnsettled
condicon of the militia and the necessity of a speedy settlement
not only in regard of the Indians who by the English were of
late disgusted, but also of the increase of the Quakers whos
denyall of subscribeing the engagement, nowe established by
act of assembly gives cause sufficient of Jealousies and
Captaine John
Odbur, Order &
That in regard Captaine Henry Hooper was out
of the Province, and the time of his returne
vncertaine, Captaine John Odbur should com-
mand all the forces from St Leonards Creeke to the Coves on
the north side of Patuxent River, & from George Reades to
Cedar Point on the South side, and that Lieutnt Henry Keene
be his Lieutenant.
losias Fendall Esq Captaine Generall of all the forces &c
To Captaine lohn Odbur Greeteing vt in Commission Cap:
Wm Evans foi 23 mutatis mutandis
Commission Lieutenant Henry Keene, idem mutatis mutan-
dis with the Commission to Lieutenant John larbo fol: 24