in theyr respective divisions that is of all men betweene 16
and 60 yeares of Age which List they are to returne to the
Governor or Secretary with all convenient speed.
2 That out of that List they do select such persons to be of
theyr constant Trayned Band as they shall iudge fittest both
for theyr Ability of Body, Estate, & Courage in which Choice
they are not to take the Person of any of his Lordships Coun-
sellors of state nor Iustices of Peace.
3. That they take Care that theyr said Companys be duly
mustered once euery month, & for the more certaine & con-
stant performance of that duty that they do appoint sett times
and places for the next Muster before they depart from euery
meeteing to Trayne and Exercise.
4 That they take an exact vieue of euery mans Armes that
they be well fixed, & that they endeavour to make euery
householder provide himselfe speedyly with Armes & Ammu-
nicon according to a former Act of Assembly viz 2ld of powder
and 5ld of shott & one good Gun well fixed for euery man able
to beare Armes in his house.
5 That they take speciall care that all persons by them
enlisted do make theyr constant personall appearance at euery
muster and that vnder the Paines & forfeitures of 100ld of
Tob for the first default, of 200 for the second, & 300 for the
3d default And if any person shall yett after such fine &
forfeitures imposed be further Negligent or refractory that
they certifye the Governor & Councell.
6 That they do not proceed rashly to impose a forfeiture
vpon any one but first see whether he can alleadge any lawe-
full impediment, in Judgeing of wch they are to take Care they
be not to remisse and Indulgent allways remembring the exact-
nesse of Military discipline to be the security of euery mans
particular welfare & place.
7 That after a fine or forfeiture imposed for default they
immediatly certify the Sherriffe who is by Order of the Coun-
cell to Leavy the same if refused to be payd, & that they do
employ the said Forfeiture to the purchaseing Drums &
Collours for the Company, & after such Provision made, to
make the Company Drinke at theyr meeteing to Muster, in
wch they are strictly charged as well to avoid all Excesse them-
selues as seuerely to punnish it in others of theyr Company
Committed to theyr charge.
p. 23