by the vpper & Lower house of the Generall assemblys of this
Province held in Annis 1649 & 1650 wch Commission and
assent beareth date 6o Augusti 1650; the Counsell findeing
that the said Commission was neuer as yett throughly executed,
as to the publishing those lawes, vnto itt annexed vnder the
Create Seale of this Province
That the said Lawes be forthwith published vnder the greate
Seale according to his Lordships will & pleasure in the said
Commission Expressed.
[Organisation of the Militia.]
Then was taken into consideracon the settlement of the
militia of the Province, & certaine Jnstructions were drawne vp
to be sent to the Commanders of the seuerall divisions, &
Commissions ordered to be drawne for them also viz