340 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1657-1660.
Liber H. H.
p. 17
Assemblys, & that the lord Proprietary is not bound to any one
way of Calleing assemblys, or assenting to what by them is
don, & likewise considering that many air the
Govern: should pay acknowledging wch was
declared by that the Article should in terminis.
3 Thirdly the layeing aside the oath of Fidelity wch
being imposed by Act of Assembly, grounded of Plan-
tacon, & of common right due to any lord of not be
vtterly waued; but only as to such persons resideing
within the Province, and to stand in f to all persons else.
To wch effect an article was drawne the further debate,
& engrossement of the Articles was till the next morne-
Martij 230
The Councell & Comrs mett & after som debate
ordered Articles to be engrossed against next
Martij 240
The Governt & Councell mett, & the Articles
were read faire engrossed in parchment, to the
Comrs which being to the and Peace of all partys; Were
by the Gouernor & secre signed, & afterwards in the
face of the People sealed as followeth.
p. 18
[The Arti-
cles are print-
ed in the Pro-
ceedings and
Acts of the
p. 369.]
p. 19
When these Articles were signed sealed, & delivered to the
Comrs they with Many others subcribed the engagement, &
delivered the record to Philip Calvert Secretary of State.
Then was the Governrs Commission publikely read, & Pro-
claimed & writts Jssued immediatly for an Assembly to be
held at St Leonards 27o Aprilis followeing.
Anno 1658.
At a Councell held at Wicocomoco 13o Aprilis
Iosias Fendall Esq Lt
Philip Calvert Esq Secr:
Cap: Wm Stone
Mr Tho: Gerard
Mr Job Chandler
Cap: John Price
Vpon Readeing his lordships of the 20th November last the
Lieutenant with the approbacon of Philip Calvert Esq Secretary
according to his Lops 4th instruction did readmitt mr Robert
Clarke to the place of a Councellor, & vpon his takeing the
oath presently sate
As before
Mr Robert Clarke Survayr Generall
That it be propounded to the Assembly to appoint som fitt
persons to treate with the Government of Virginea concerneing
the future stinting of Tobacco.