That for the benefitt of trade the Proposicons of the London
Merchants concerneing Stores be propounded to the Assembly.
That itt be propounded to the Assembly to make a lawe
that the party cast in appeale shall pay trebble dammages, for
the prevention of vexatious sutes.
That it be propounded also that the Counsellors in regard
of theyr constant attendance & dayly expence be freed from
Tax for themselves & ten pol as the Counsellors of Vir-
ginea are.
That a Commission be drawne vp for the keepeing of a
Court, on the North side of Wicocomaco River, & that that
part of the Province be erected into a County.
That a Proclamacon forthwith be sett out enioyneing the
takeing the oath of Fidelity by all persons who haue since the
24th of March last com into this Province, or shall hereafter
com to inhabite heere, as followeth.
By the Lieutenant Generall
Liber H. H.