appoint to be Acted or don with the advice & approbacon of
the said Philip Calvert Esq & that in case where any Grant or
Pattent of Land is to be passed to his Lordships Lieut &
Keeper of his Create Seale there for the time beeing by Vertue
of his Lops Condicons of Plantacon or any other Comission
Warrant or Jnstruction vnder his Lops hand & seale for that
Purpose his Lop doth heereby declare authorize & require his
said Brother Philip Calvert Esq (and in case of his death or
absence out of the said Province The said Captaine Thomas
Cornwaleys) & two such others of his Lordships Councell
there for the time being as he & our said Lieut shall appoint
to Attest euery such Grant or Pattent to his Lops Lieutenant of
the said Province & Keeper of his Create Seale there for the
time being as aforesaid by the subscriptions of theyr respec-
tive names on euery such respective Grant or Pattent before it
shall be in force or bind his Lop or his heires as his act &
Deed any thing in these instructions or in any other thing to
the Contrary heereof in any wise Notwithstanding. Given
vnder his Lops hand & Greater Seale att Armes the 20th day of
November in the 26th yeare of his Lordships Dominion ouer
the said Province of Maryland & in the yeare of Our Lord
God 1657.
The forme of the submission abouemenconed.
I: A: B: doe promise & engage to submitt to the Authority
of the Right Hon:ble Caecilius Lord Baltemore within this Pro-
vince of Maryland according to his pattent of the said Pro-
vince & to his Present Lieutennant & other Officers there by
his Lordship appointed to whom I will be aydeing & assissting
& will not obey or assist any heere in opposicon to them.
After the readeing of these Instructions Captaine William
Fuller and the rest of the Commissioners Propounded diverse
other Articles tending as they conceaued to the quiett &
welfare of the Province, wch admitted of som debate viz
1. Jmprs as to som words in the first Article viz that all min-
isters of Justice officers military &c. be indempnified on both
Which words seemeing to admitt of a necessity of pardon,
& consequently an implication of guilt in his Lordships
Officers were at first scrupled but vpon Consideracon, that
som of his Lops officers needed an indempnity, for breach of
trust passed.
2. Next the Graunting of the Leavyes, & Fees in the second
Article Which at last, considering the Maior Part of the
people had mett though not by lawefull warrant in those