Edward Eltonhead, then his Lip Authorizes & requires his sd
Lieut & Keeper of his Create Seale to cause an Exemplification
to be forthwith made & passed vnder his said Lordships Newe
Create Seale of the said Grant or Pattent vpon Record there
& to send the said Exemplification by the first opportunity to
his Lop for the said Edward Eltonhead.
4. That his Lordship doth heereby Authorize his said Lieut
of the said Province with the advice & approbacon of his Lops
said Brother to readmitt if he thinke fitt Mr Robert Clarke to
be One of his Lops Councell of the said Province to all intents
& purposes whatsoeuer in as full & ample manner as formerly
he was by his Lops Comission for that purpose to him and also
to add any other Person or persons inhabiteing the said Pro-
vince not exceeding the number of six to be of his Lops Coun-
cell there to all intents & Purposes ouer & aboue such as are
allready or that shall heereafter be nominated & appointed by
his Lop to be of his Lops Councell there Provided that such
person or persons so to be added to his Lops Councell there as
aforesaid do take the Oath of a Councellor there to his Lop
before he or they do Act as one of his Lordships Councell
there respectively.
5. That his Lordship doth heereby Authorize his Lieut of
the said Province for the time beeing with the Approbacon
of any three of his of his Lordships Councell there whereof his
Lops Principall Secretary for the time beeing to be allways one
to make any Forreigner as he shall thinke fitt capeable of his
Lops Condicons of Plantacon there & to cause Grants or Pat-
tents of land there to be passed vnto any such person or Per-
sons accordingly as if he she or they were of Brittish or Jrish
descent any former Commission Warrant or direction from his
Lop to the Contrary in any wise Notwithstanding.
6. Whereas his Lop hath in these Jnstructions & otherwise
Authorized & appointed his Lieut of the said Province for the
time beeing & in particular the aforesaid Captaine Josias
Fendall his Lordships present Lieut there to Act & do seuerall
things with the advice & approbacon of his Lops Brother Philip
Calvert Esqr Nowe Jn case the said Philip Calvert should dye
or by absence out of the said Province or otherwise should be
disapointed of Acting there accordingly His Lop doth heereby
Authorize & appoint in euery such case the said Captaine
Josias Fendall & euery other his Lops Lieut of the of the said
Province for the time beeing to Act & Doe the same things