Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1648-1655
for receiving and paying the 5306l Tob: the whole
Liber B.
Charge and trouble of the busieness resting upon
the Accomptant as Attorney mr Metcalf being then
Receiver who was allowed but 5 p Cent
ffor drawing ingrossing recording and taking the
Acquittances Orders and whole Accompt in relacon
to the Said Dutch Custome
— 600
p for the Indian Arrowes Menconed to be allowed
me p mr Greenes Accompt
— 200
p. 571
Creditor — Summe Tottall
Debtor ut Supa
Upon this Acct there remains due to mr Hatton the
His Ldps Said Attorney mr Thomas Hatton upon pduceing
this Accompt above written and the Acquittaces therein Men-
cond Moved the Court this day according to the direction of
an Order of the fourth of March last for an allowance thereof
The Acquittances
here menconed
are Entred upon
Record fol:
and to be discharged as touching the Custome
wherewith he Chargeth himself Debtor upon
the Same Accompt, and that the three hundred
forty and four pounds of Tobacco and Caske remaining due to
him thereby be paid him out of his Ldps Rents and Revenues
together with what he Shall happen to fall Short of the 795l
Tob: from Skipper Jacob or his Attorney if he faile to gett the
Same in or any part thereof, And that, that debt be transferred
to him for his own use by order of Court for that purpose, And
the Court upon perusal of the Said Accompt and Acquittances
finding them to be Just and reasonable doth Order that they
be put upon Record conceiving that to be a Sufficient discharge
for him concerning the Said Custome and doth transferr unto
him the debt from Skipper Jacob according to his desire, And
for what he happens to fall Short in receiving thereof and the
three hundred forty and four pounds of Tobacco and Caske
remaining due to him upon the Accompt The Court referreth
him to his Ldp for his allowance in that particular.
By the Lieutent and Governour of Maryland
P. 560
Licence to
Tho: Belcher
Whereas mr Thomas Belcher of the County of
Annarundell within this Province of Maryland hath
made Suite to me for a Licence to keep an Inn or Ordinary in
Some place Convenient within the Said County for the Enter-
tainment and accommodation of Strangers & others as occasion