304 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1648-1655.
Liber B.
Shall require. These are therefore to Licence and Authorize
him the Said Thomas Belcher to keep an Inn, or Ordinary in
any Convenient place within the Said County of Annarundell
for the purpose aforesaid as is desired, And to make Sale of
Beer, wine, Strong Waters or any other fitting and wholesome
Drink Victualls or provisions in his Said Inn or Ordinary, he
the Said Thomas Belcher keeping Good Orders and bein'g
p. 561
Conformable in the premisses to the Lawes of this Province.
Given at St Maries under the Great Seale &c this 17th day of
April Anno Domini 1654.
Willm Stone
p. 590
[Proclamation of the Protectorate.]
By the Lieutent and Governour of Maryland
A Prclamacdn
Publicat eod
Whereas I have lately received Certaine Intel-
ligence that the Governmt of the Commonwealth
of England, Scotland and Ireland by a Lord protector and
Successive Trienniall parliamts is already there Established,
and that Oliver Cromwell Capt Generall of all the forces of that
Commonwealth is declared Lord protector of the Said Common-
wealth of England, Scotland & Ireland and the Dominions
therunto belonging for his Life, And Whereas the Governmt
here Established under the Lord Proprietary of this Province
according to his Pattent thereof is Subordinate unto and De-
pendent upon the aforesaid Governmt of the Commonwealth
of England Scotland and Ireland in Chiefe under God as one
of the Dominions thereunto belonging, I have therefore with
the advise of the Counsell of this Province thought it Necessary
and doe hereby in the Lord Proprietarys Name make publi-
cation of the prmisses Strictly Charging and Commanding all
and every person or persons of what quality or Condicon
Soever inhabiting Resideing or being within this Province to
take Notice hereof and to Conform and Submitt themselves
with all due obedience and Subjection to the Governmt Soe
Established as aforesaid in Chiefe under God. And all Sheriffes
and other publicke Ministers and officers whom it May Con-
cerne are required to Cause this Proclamacon to be forthwith
published in their respective Counties and other Usuall places
for that purpose within this Province to the end that None may
have Cause to pretend ignorance in this behalf. Given at St
Maries the Sixth day of May Anno Domini 1654.
William Stone
Further likewise the Inhabitants of this Province & others
whom it may Concerne ar required to take Notice that in
Commeracon of this present Solemnity I have thought fitt to