302 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1648-1655.
The Said Attorney Debtor upon that Accompt.
Tob: & Cask
p remaining in his hands of the Said Custome Anno
1649 for which he intended to have been Accomptable
to his Ldp, but upon mr Greens the then Receiver's
Agreemt to Satisfie him the Next year what his Ldp
Should allow him for his pains as Attorney Generall
for that year he made paymt of the whole Sume to
the Soldiers, though mr Green's Accompt doth
mencon 200l thereof to be allow'd the Accomptant
for Indian Arrows for his Ldps use which he paid to
Lieutenant William Lewis
p Received of the Said Custome 24o ffebr 1650 of
Claus Jacobson and was allowed him by his Ldp
declaracon de Anno 1650
— 2000
p Received of the Sd Custome 24o Martij 1650 of
Jacob Derrickson mr Metcalfe being then Receiver
p Bills Assigned by Skipper Jacob and Skipper Claus
to mr Green in part of the Custom, and by mr Greene
delivered to the Accompt upon his leaving the Re-
ceivers place. Viz. 2 Bills of 446l Tob: payable by
Lieut Richard Bancks and one Bill of 795l Tobacco
payable by Thomas Warr which was by Order of
Court returned to John Hatch Attorney of Skipper
Jacob and the debt ordered to be paid to his Ldp
out of Skipper Jacob's Estate but not yet paid
— 1241
Summe Tottall is
Idem Creditor upon the Same Accompt
p allowed him by his Ldps Declaracon of 16o Augusti
—— 2000
p paid to Severall Soldiers & Demands upon that
Acct (pnt p Receipts inde)
p 100l Tob: paid to John Half head for Serving an
Attachmt against Warrs Estate upon the Bill and
47l Tob: for the Attachment & order thereupon