Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1648-1655. 301
his Vessell or Vessells to Trade or Traffick with those of the
Swedish Nation in Deleware Bay or in any part of this Province
being not Enemys to the Commonwealth of England as alsoe
with any Indians on the Eastern Shore of the Bay of Chese-
peack within this Province not in open hostility with the Inhab-
itants here with and for any Merchandize trade or Truck not
any wayes prohibited or forbidden by the Laws of this Province,
Provided that the Said Thomas Adams in his Trade aforesaid
be Carefull to keep his Said Vessell or Vessells well Maned
with fitting Arms and Amunition for prevention of any Danger
from the Said Indians or other Enemys and provided that he
be Conformable in the premisses in Every respect to the Laws
and Orders prescribed and Appointed or any wayes in force
here in Case of trading within this Province and this his
present Commission in that behalf is to Stand and remaine in
force till the Lord Proprietary of this Province or his Lieuten-
ant or Chiefe Governour here for the time being Shall think
fitt to disanull and revoke the Same and no Longer Given at
St Maries Under the Great Seale of the Said Province the 18th
day of March Anno Dni 1653
William Stone
Liber 13,
By the Lieutenant &c
Whereas by the Deposition of William Scott taken in open
Court the 4th day of this present Month & an Order of Court
of the Sixt of the Same Month made upon the Mocon of
Marks Pheypo & divers other Credible Reports Since then of
Coll ffrancis Yardley's Contemptious Carriage & demeanor
towards the Governmt here under the Lord Propry & very prob-
able Suspicion of an Intention in him, in Some private Man-
ner to remove his Estate out of this Province and to leave his
debts & ingagements here unsatisfied, These are therefore in
the Lord Proprs Name to will and require you and Every of
you In Case the Said Coll Yardley Shall Endeavour or attempt
to remove his Said Estate or any part thereof out of this Pro-
vince, before he first be Licensed thereto by the Governmt here
in an orderly way, That you doe use Your best Endeavours to
hinder or prevent him from Soe doeing by Makeing Stoppage
p. 553
thereof and Secureing it in your or any of your possessions till
upon Notice thereof to be given to my Self or the Provinciall
Court here you receive further Order or direction herein, And
for Soe doeing this Shall be your Warrant, hereof you are not
to fail. Given at St Maries this 20th day of March 1653.
To Lt Willm Lewis, George Dolty, Edmond Lindesey or any
of them
p. 554