Interest there by the Collony of Virginia, and others who ad-
hered to the late kinge and his sonne) and itt would much
reflect upon the honor of the Parliament, if he should (as he
would in that case) be a laughing stocke to their Enemyes and
his, for his fidelity and affection to this Commonwealth.
Lord Baltemore's Patent
about Maryland in
P. R. O.
Papers, Vol.
XI, No. 65.
By the Governor Capt General of Maryland
Whereas the Yoacomoco Indians and the Matchoatick and
divers other Indians on the South Side of Potomake River take
to themselves a liberty of hunting herein St Maries & Charles
Countys not only to the utter destroying of the Game, and dis-
turbance of the Hoggs and Cattle if not destroying them also,
but by their Insolencies not to be endured are like to bring
great troubles to the Inhabitants of this Province if not timely
prevented, These are therefore in the names of the Keepers of
the liberties of the Common wealth of England by Authority of
Parliament Strictly to prohibit every Inhabitant of this Pro-
vince, to give any of the Said Indians here any entertainment
or to have any trade or Commerce with them in this Province
in any kind whatsoever after the time herein expressed,
excepting any Indian Cowkeeping Youth, in the penall Sume
and forfeiture of ffive hundred pounds of Tobacco for every
Such Offence aforesaid, the one half to the use of the Lord
Propriary his heirs and assignes, the other part to the Informer
and that they give unto the Said Indians in Case that they
Come here Contrary to this Proclamacon fair warning to be
gone, which if they refuse Soe to doe that then Capt John
Price be forthwith acquainted who is hereby required to Leavy
Liber B.
p. 292