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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1667
Volume 3, Page 280   View pdf image (33K)
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280 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1648-1655.

P. R. O.
Papers, Vol.
XI, No. 65.

Reasons of State concerning Maryland in America
? August 1652.

1. First. Itt is much better to keepe that Government still
devided from Virginia, as itt hath beene for this twentye yeares
last past, then to unite them, for, by that meanes, this Common-
wealth will have the more power over both by making one an
Instrument (as occasion shall require) to keep the other in their
due obedience to this Commonwealth.
2. Secondlye In case any defection should happen in either
Collony (as lately was in Virginia) the other may be a place of
Refuge for such as shall continew faithfull to this Common-
wealth, as Maryland lately was, upon that occasion, which it
could not have been in case the Government of that place, had
been, at that tyme, united unto, or had any dependance on
3. Thirdlye Itt will cause an emulation in both, which of
them shall give the better account of theire proceedings to the
Supreame authority of this Commonwealth, on which they both
depend, and also which of them shall give better satisfaction
to the Planters and Adventurers of both.
4. Fourthly the Lord Baltemore haveing an estate, and his
residence, in England, this Commonwealth will have a better
assurance of the due obedience of that Plantation, and the
Planters and Adventurers thither of haveing right done unto
them, in case the Government thereof have still a dependance
on him, and he upon this Commonwealth, as he had before on
the late kinge, Then if the Government of that place, att so
remote a distance, should be disposed of into other hands
whoe had little or nothing here to be responsible for itt, and
whose interest and residence were whollye there.
5. Fifthly by the continuance of his Interest in the Govern-
ment therof, this Commonwealth and the people there are
eased of the charge of a Deputye Governor, which he, att his
owne charge maintaynes; the Inhabitants being yett so poore
(and so likely to be for many yeares) as that they are not able
to contribute any thinge towards ytt.
6. Sixthly Iff the Lord Baltemore should, by this Common-
wealth, be prejudiced in his Pattent, and right to that Province,
In would bee a great discouragement to others in Forreygne
Plantations, upon any exigency to adhere to this Common-
wealth, because itt is notoriously knowne that by his express
directions his officers and the people there did adhere to the
Interest of this Commonwealth, when all other English Plan-
tations (except New England) declared against the Parliament
and att that tyme received their freinds in tyme of distresse
(for which he was like divers tymes to be deprived of his

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1667
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