Whereas a Petition was this day preferred to the Governour
and Councill Subscribed by Mr Phillip Conner, Mr Thomas
Ringgold, Mr Henry Morgon and Mr John Phillips Commis-
sionrs for the Isle of Kent County, and Exhibited in the behalf
of themselves and the rest of the Inhabitants of the Sd Island
expressing thereby the Great Danger they daily were in by
the Easterne Shore Indians who had of late in a barbarous
Cruell manner Slaine and Murdered Some of the Inhabitance
there & wounded and hurt others, besides Severall other mis-
chiefs and insolencies in Burning of houses and Goods killing
uf hugs & utherwise, And Earnestly Craveing that Some
Speedy Course might be taken for their reliefe and asistance
in the premisses, as well in Vindication of former injuries &
mischiefes as alsoe (through Gods assistance, to prevent the
like for the future that the Said Island might not be deserted
and the Inhabitance destroyed by the bloudy inhumane
Cruelty of those barbarous heathens and pagons as by the
Said Petition more at large appeares, The Governour and
Councill now present in Court together with Thomas Corn-
wallyes Esq and others whose advise and assistance was
desired in this Case of Great concernment taking the Matter
of the Said Peticon into tender and Serious Consideracon, In
regard of the urgent pressing necessity of this occasion have
thought it to be very fitt and requisite. And accordingly it is by
the Said Governour and Counsell now ordered and appointed
that Sufficient forces be Speedily raised for a march against the
Said Easterne Shore Indians, and for that purpose every Sev-
enth man throughout the province is to be pressed for this
Service, (Counsellors, Commissioners, and other officers and
persons of publick Imployments within this Province and others
usually freed in Cases of this Nature Excepted) and that the
Sheriff or other officer to be appointed in Every County by
the Governour or Commander or Comissioners of Such
p. 350
County for this Imploymt Soe neare as he Can to presse the
ablest and fittest man amongst every Seven for this Service,
together with Such convenient Number of boats and other
Vessells for transportacon well fitted as the Governour Shall
conceive fitting and Necessary to be used upon this Expedi-
tion, and it is further ordered that every the Sixe persons