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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1667
Volume 3, Page 279   View pdf image (33K)
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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1648-1655. 279

Order of the Councell of State
Wednesday the 28th of July 52.

That the petition of Thomas Harrison in behalfe of some
well affected inhabitants in Virginia and Marieland be referred
to the Committee for Forreigne affaires who are to conferre
with him concerning the desires of his petition and thereupon
report their opinions therein to the Councel.

P. R. O.
Vol. 58, p. 86

To the Right worshipfull Capt William Stone Governour
and the rest of the worshipfull Councill for the province
of Maryland: The Humble Petition of the Inhabitants
of the County of the Isle of Kent. Sheweth. —

That Whereas formerly There hath been by the Easterne
Shore Indians one Murdered and now of late one Shott another
killed and Stript neare to his own house all of them Inhabitants
of this Island and Subjects of this Province. A dwelling house
and much Goods Burned, as is conceived by Indians, To Say
nothing of theire Continuall Trade of killing of hogs they are
Soe Imbouldned, these Murders being passed by, And being
Soe well furnished with Gunns Powder and Shott that they
Come about our houses Night and day Soe that Larums and
disturbances are occasioned weekly nay daily Soe that Some
are Soe dreaded and afrighted they have left their plantations
and many are resolved to desert the Island wch tends to our
weakening and the Incouragement of these heathens to make
a prey of those that Shall be left, and So to make themselves
by our Ruins more Strong to proceed and go on in theire mis-
chiefeous designs, we are alsoe informed that the Easterne
Shore Indians have Great Store of Powder and Shott and
many Gunns not only in what they have formerly bought and
have taken in Capt Gugnis his Rack But they have not long
Since taken a Dutch Sloop with forty nine Gunnes besides
very much Powder and Shott, Soe that they are very Strong,
bold and Insolent. The premisses Considered yor Petitioners
Humbly Crave that yor worship and the Councill would be
pleased to Seriously to weigh and Consider our deplorable
Condition and take Some Speedy Course for the Suppressing
of these Heathens and avenging of Guiltless Bloud and the
preservation of our Lives with our wives and Children and we
Shall as in duty bound pray for yor worships peace and Eternall

Henry Morgon Phillip Conner
John Phillips Thomas Ringgold

Liber B.
p. 348

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1667
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