Colonial Pa-
pers. Vol.
to sea Capt: William Claiborne one of the Councell, and Sec-
retarie of Virginia for discoverie of Trade and setlinge planta-
tions in those parts which they have ever since prosecuted to
their greate coste, and charge, in transporting of Cattle, build-
ing of houses, and selling of people upon an Hand, by them
named the Hand of Kent, beinge within the greate Bay of
Chesepian in Virginia, and haveing discovered and purchased
the said Hand from the Natives of the said Hand and brought
the said trade and plantation to some perfection, after much
labor, coste and Industrie, the Lord Baltimore hath compre-
hended the said Hand within the limitts of his Pattente latelie
obtained from your Majestic since your petitioners greate
charges disbursed and setlinge thereupon intendinge to dispos-
sess the petitioners thereof by some violent or undue proceed-
inge and as the petitioners are now informed by Letters from
them the said Lord Baltimore's Agents have shott at the peti-
tioners Men and boats goeinge to trade there, and doe endea-
vour to affront and hinder them in their proceedings, which the
petitioners conceive to be much contrarie to your Majestie's
gracious intentions, that any of your subjects should be put
out of their plantations, discouraged or hindered in soe good a
worke, especially they haveing gone on upon your Majties
Comission, and setled the trade and plantation there, at greate
costs and charges before the said Lord Baltimore's Patent was
granted, and forasmuch as the last shipps that goe this year to
Virginia are now upon departure, and noe other conveyance is
to be had thither in a longe tyme after
May it therefore please your Most Excellent Majtie for your
petitioners encouragement in soe good a worke, now againe
to grant them your Majestie's Comission for Confirmation of
the said former Comission, and to declare therein your Majes-
tie's gracious pleasure and intentions, that the petitioners and
the said Claiborne shall peaceablie enjoy the said Hand, and
trade (and such other places, as they shall there first settle
upon (before others) freelie without any interruption or moles-
tation, either by the said Lord Baltimore, or any other person,
or persons whatsoever, and if any objection shall be made
against the said Capt: Claiborne, that the same may be deter-
mined by your royall Majestie or the Lords of your Majestie's
Councell here. And the petitioners as in dutie bound will
dayly pray for your Majestie's happy Raigne longe to continue.