The King to the Governor and Council of Virginia.
8. October 1634.
Signed Charles R.
Trustie and wellbeloved wee greete you well. By a petition
exhibited unto us by our lovinge subjects William Clobery,
John Dela-Barre and David Morehead, wee are given to
understand that whereas by our Commission they had formerly
traded, planted and inhabited an Hand neare to Virginia which
they have nominated the Kentish Hand, and have to their
greate charge not only sent over a good number of people
and Cattle but bought the Interest of the Natives in that Hand.
Nevertheless (as they informe) by pretence of a later pattent
granted to the Lord Baltimore, some of his Companies have
assaulted them and hurt some of the said Inhabitants, and
endeavour to drive them out and prohibbitt their trade; which
is contrary to justice and the true intention of our grant to the
said Lord : wee doe therefore heereby declare our expresse
pleasure to bee that the said planters be in noe sort interrupted
in theire trade or plantation by him or any other in his right :
But rather that they bee encouraged to proceed cheerefully in
soe good a Worke. And wee doe require you our Governor
and Counsell theire, and all other our Governors, Lieutenants
and Officers in any of those Countries in America, to bee
aydinge and assisting unto them, soe as they may peaceablie
enjoy the fruits of their labor. And wee prohibit! as well the
Lord Baltimore, as all other pretenders under him or other-
wise to plantations in those parts to doe them any violence, or
to disturbe or hinder them in their honest proceedinges and
trade there. Given under our Signett at our honnor at
Hampton Court the 8th of October in the tenth yeare of our
raigne 1634.
To our trustie and weellbeloved our Governor and Counsell
of Virginia, and to all our Lieutenants of Provinces and
Countries in America. Governors and others having charge of
Colonies of any of our subjects; and to all Captains and
Masters of Ships and generaly to all our subjects whatsoever
whome these presents doe or may concerne.
Colonial Pa-
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Governor Harvey to Secretary Windebank
16. December 1634.
I shall put the daye wherein I did that service to my Lord
Baltimore which deserved thankes from your Honor into the
Colonial Pa-
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