such, as (shal bee contented for and the publique benefitt and
honor of our kingdomes, and for their particular commodity
to transport themselves thither, and inhabitt that part of the
world and as they shall find our continuall care of them in all
occasions; the consideration whereof was a powerfull motive
to us, to grant to the Lord Baltimore a part of that our terri-
tory of Virginia, upon the devolving of the old Companie's
right therein justly to us, as also in respect of the vastness of
that country, there being land and profitt enough for the enter-
tainment of many thousands and allso for that we judge con-
ceived the difficulties of the worke would easily be overcome by
multitude of hands and assistance, though of different bodies
and societies yet all deriving their Interest from us. And
being now informed that the sayd Lo: Baltimore to his greate
charges hath accordingly begunn a plantation in Mariland,
and that you have readily assisted his planters (in conformity
to our command) at their first descent in those wilde parts,
wherein wee (observe your dutifull obedience) to us and do
take it in good part, giving thanks for the same, wee have
thought good by these our speciall letters to require you to
continue your assistance to them, by suffering them quietly to
enjoy the country and profitt thereof which we have granted
unto the sayd Lo: Baltimore without disturbance or interrup-
tion, and by protecting his planters from the malice and injury
of the Indians, or any other, as also by giving them leave to
buy and transport such necessaries from your Colonies, as you
may conveniently spare, and they have occasion to use; where-
in you shall do us acceptable service, and give them such
releefe in their commendable endeavors, as may both encour-
age them and produce benefitt to your government and plan-
tation. The due performance whereof we expect from you
and the rest of our Counsell and people there, as becometh
good and dutifull subjects, and as you will answer the contrary
dated at Hampton Court: 29o Sept: 1634.
To Sir John Harvey Governor of Virginia.
Colonial Pa-
pers. Vol.
Petition of William Clobery and others to the King.
? October 1634.
To the King's most Excellent Majestic
The humble petition of William Clobery, John De la barre
and David Moorehead.
Sheweinge that the petitioners by vertue of your Majties
Commission the coppie whereof is hereunto annexed did sett
Colonial Pa-
pers. Vol.