278 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1648-1655.
Liber H. H.
4ly That vpon any occasion of buisness to the English, or
any Messadge or the like, the Jndians shall come by Water and
not by land, That there shall not be aboue Eight or ten at the
most at one tyme, And that they bring with them the token
given them by the English for that purpose, by which they
may be knowen and entertained, As also that the English on
their parts when they send to the Jndians, the Messenger shall
Carry the token which wee haue receiued from them.
5ly And Lastly that these Articles and every particular of
them shalbe really and inviolably observed kept and performed
by the two Nations before named, and by all the people belong-
ing to them, or that are in amity with them for Ever, to the
End of the World And that all former Iniuries being buried
and forgotten, from henceforward they doe promise and agree
to walke together and Carry one towards another in all things
as freinds and to assist one another accordingly But if it should
soe happen at any tyme hereafter that either party is weary of
the Peace, and Intends warr then that the Same shalbe signified
and made knowne each to other by Sending in and delivering
vp this writting before any Acts of Hostillity or Enmity be done
or attempted, and that twenty dayes warneing thereof be given
before hand.
These severall Articles were solemnly and mutually debated
and Concluded at the River of Severne in the Province of
Maryland by Richard Bennett Esquier Mr Edward LLoyde,
Capt William ffuller, Mr Thomas Marsh, and Mr Leonard
Strong Commissioners authorized and appointed by the Gov-
ernor and Councell of the aforesaid Province And by Sawahegeh
Treasurer, Auroghtaregh Soarhuhadigh Ruthchogah and
Wathetdianeh Warr Captaines and Councellors of Sasque-
hanogh Commissioners appointed and sent for that purpose by
the Nation and State of Sasquehanogh. And were fully
Ratified done and Confirmed by Severall presents, Guifts and
tokens of freindship mutually given receiued and accepted on
both Sides. In wittnes whereof the aforesaid Commissioners
in behalfe of the aforesaid Nation haue herevnto sett their
hands and Seales the day and yeare aboue written
Ri: Bennett Edd LLoyd Tho Marsh
Will Fuller Leo Strong Locus x Sigill.
The marke of
The marke of Aurotaurogh
The marke of + Scarhuhadih
The marke of + Ruthcuhogah
The marke of + Wathetdianeh
William Lawson. Locus x Sigilli:
Iafer Peter for the Sweades Governor