Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1648-1655. 277
of them whereof the Said Richard Bennett Esq to be one who
are hereby desired and authorised at Such time and place as
they Shall think fitt for that purpose to call the Said Capt
Robert Vaughan before them, and if upon the hearing and
examinacon of the matter they Shall See Cause for it, to
remove him from his Said place of Commander of the Said
Island, as also to appoint and Constitute the Said Mr Thomas
Marsh or Some other fitting and able person to the Said place
or Office of Commander of the Said Island, who is hereby in
that Case by the Said Governor with the advice aforesaid as
fully authorised for that purpose as any other Commander of
any other County within this Province, Till further Order be
taken therein.
Liber B.
The Peace wth Sasque-
hanogh Jndians made
Ao 1652
Articles of Peace and freindshipp,
treated and agreed vpon the 5th day
of Iuly 1652 Betweene the English
Liber H. H.
p. 62
Nation in the Province of Maryland on the one party,
And the Jndian Nation of Sasquesahanogh, on the
other partie as followeth.
1. First that the English Nation shall haue hould and enioy
to them their heires and Assignes for Ever, all the land lying
from Patuxent River vnto Pallmers Iland on the Wester Side
of the Baye of Chesepiake, And from Choptanke River to the
North East Branch wch lyes to the Northward of Elke River.
On the Easter Side of the Said Bay with all the Jlands, Rivers,
Creekes Trees, ffish ffowle Deere, Elke and whatsoever else to
the same belonging Excepting the Ile of kent, and Palmers
Jlands which belongs to Captaine Clayborne. But Neverthe-
less it shalbe lawfull for the aforesaid English, or Jndians to
build a Howse or ffort for trade or any such like vse or Occa-
sion at any tyme vpon Palmers Iland.
2ly That if any Damage or Jniury be done on either Side at
any tyme hereafter, either by the English or Jndians aforesaid,
or by any other Allyes, Confederats Tributaries or Servants,
that Reparation be made and satisfaction given from each to
other from tyme to tyme as the Case requires, and as in Rea-
son should be done betweene those that are freinds, and that
desire soe to Continue.
3ly That if any the people or Servants belonging to the
English or to the Jndians shall goe away or Run away from
either side, they shall not be concealed or kept away from each
other, But shall with all Convenient speede be retourned back
and brought home, And satisfaction to be made in a Reason-
able way for transportation by land or water to those that
bring them in.