Liber A.
tyme as he or they haue taken oath of ffealty, vnto the Lo: Pro-
prietary, and his Gour for the tyme being, during the tyme
they remayne wthin the prouince: And that the sayd oath, shall
not bee understood by him or them only for this present, but
shall firmly bynd hym or them in futurity so often as he or they
shall haue occation to come into the prouince: And that at
any tyme when they come into the prouince they shall deliuer
all such armes and amunition, as they bring wth them vnto the
Commander off the ffortt: wch shalbe restored to them when
they depart the prouince. And that the proclamation set forth
the 8th of May last (by the late Gour Leonard Caluert Esqr)
touching the departure of any person out of the prouince wthout
leaue: the entertaynement of any stranger; or houlding Comu-
nication wth them, vntill they haue first byn at the fortt of St
Inegos &c: shall stand in full force and and Virtue vntill
Christmas day next: And ffurther these are straightly to pro-
hibite and forbid all persons of this prouince what soeuer to
giue any entertainement, or admitt into thire howses any of the
persons aforesd: wthout first shewing a Certificate from my
hand or the Capt: or Comander of the ffortt prsent there that
they haue there taken oath of ffealty vnto his Lops Vppon
payne of such seuere sensure as the Court shall adiudge such
a Contempt to deserue. Giuen at the ffortt of St Inegos the
15th Septmr 1647:
Tho: Green.
[Non-Exportation of Corn, &c.]
p. 98
Nouembr 8th By the Leiftent Generl
Whereas I am certainely informed, that Corne this prsent
yeare is very much feared to be wanting, to supply the In-
habitants of this prouince. And that there is no great likely-
hood of any Considerable supply there of to com in ffrom
abroad, but must wholy depend vppon it selfe, and that the
export of any such corne is most priudiciall to the inhabitants
thereof: These are therefore streightly to prohibite and fforbidd
any persons or persons whatsoeuer to carry or transport any
corne out of the prouince, wthout leaue first obtayned from my
selfe, Vppon the paine of such seuere censure as the Prouinciall
Court shall adiudge such offenders to deserue: Likewise for
the benefitt and prservation of the increase of the stock of horses
now wthin the prouince, much to the advantage of his Lops
Colony, and the safety of the Inhabitants of the Prou they being
so vsefull both in peace and warr, and the sd stock being as
yet very smale : I doe hereby streightly prohibite and forbidd,
any horses, mares, or foles to be transported out of the prouince,
by any person or persons whatsoeuer vntill his Lops pleasure